Monthly Archives: November 2014

The Future of Work Summit, live!

The 2nd annual Future of Work Summit is currently taking place, with 130+ attendees discussing the latest trends in enterprise mobility management, collaboration, mobile device management, apps and file sync & share. With keynote sessions and industry leadership panel discussions from the likes of Aon, BBC, Greenpeace, Wipro, SAP, Telstra, Linklaters, and Ealing, Hammersmith & West London College, there has been a great deal of knowledge-sharing at the event, with more to come! Here is a selection of the best photos from the day so far:

From concrete to telepathy: how to build future cities as if people mattered

Some excellent thoughts on the Smart Cities theme here.

The Urban Technologist

(An infographic depicting realtime data describing Dublin - the waiting time at road junctions; the location of buses; the number of free parking spaces and bicycles available to hire; and sentiments expressed about the city through social meida) (An infographic depicting realtime data describing Dublin – the waiting time at road junctions; the location of buses; the number of free parking spaces and bicycles available to hire; and sentiments expressed about the city through social media)

(I was honoured to be asked to speak at TEDxBrum in my home city of Birmingham this weekend. The theme of the event was “DIY” – “the method of building, modifying or repairing something without the aid of experts or professionals”. In other words, how Birmingham’s people, communities and businesses can make their home a better place. This is a rough transcript of my talk).

What might I, a middle-aged, white man paid by a multi-national corporation to be an expert in cities and technology, have to say to Europe’s youngest city, and one of its most ethnically and nationally diverse, about how it should re-create itself “without the aid of…

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